Benefits of Finding Keyword Difficulty

When you enter a keyword into a search engine and get back 3 million links, it’s clear that getting top ranking with that term will be difficult, at best. Likewise, entering a keyword and getting back a couple of thousand links, will be easier. This is one aspect of determining the keywords that have the greatest value in SEO optimization.

The free Keyword Difficulty Tool, available from Developer Shed, is designed to do just this. You can download the program and embed it within your website to take a quick look to see how difficult it would be to achieve a high ranking using the entered keyword or phrase. It displays a percentage score, with a higher percentage indicating greater difficulty.

Enter the keyword to find the level of difficulty to get a certain grade.

The tool may be useful to a degree for a quick look at a keyword. However, the percentage means… what exactly? The authors don’t say. Is it based only on the number of links to a term? It’s a percentage of what compared to what? Does it include the variable of the number of promotions involved with that keyword? Without knowing what the percentage is based on, the information may, or may not, be valuable.

find out the competition with a simple quick keyword tool

To do an adequate determination on the value of a keyword, it would seem a better approach to use Google Adwords free Keyword Tool. It offers a much greater range of information to more accurately determine the difficulty or ease in gaining search engine ranking with a specific keyword or phrase.