Importance of Code-to-Text for SEO Rankings

Most search engines use a code to text ratio in their algorithms as one element in determining the relevance of a page. This ratio represents the percentage of text within a web page relative to the content as a whole. A higher ratio offers a greater opportunity for a higher search ranking.

A view of the tool to check the ratio between code and text.

Code to Text Ratio Qualities

Developer Shed Network’s Code to Text Ratio is a free, embeddable content ratio tool.  It quickly calculates the ratio by extracting the text from paragraphs along with the HTML text code providing an accurate measure of text content compared to visual and other content. You can easily compare your content ratio to that of competitors and, if necessary, adjust that ratio upwards, i.e. add more text to a page. Having a higher code to text ratio than your competitors can offer an advantage in ranking.

A preview of the results for the SEO code to text tool.