Using the Adsense Preview Tool

Google AdSense ads are automatically delivered to a page relevant to the page content. Highly targeted content will result in better targeted ads, resulting in increased click throughs and earnings that result. The ads change as page content changes and AdSense ads inventory changes.

Developer Shed Network’s AdSense Preview is a free, easily embedded tool to help an AdSense affiliate  determine what type of ads will be placed on a specific page. This can be helpful to see how targeted the ads are to the visitors to the page. By simply entering the URL and AdSense ad format, the tool will display sample ads that are likely to appear.

The Adsense Preview Tool screenshot will help you preview how the ad will look to visitors.

Ideally, by altering page content to better target visitors and related Adsense ads, you can better maximize click throughs and earnings. You can use the tool to more specifically refine the page content and quickly see the results without having to wait to see what ads are generated over a period of time. This tool would ideally be helpful to see what ads might appear if you’re considering entering the AdSense program.



By placing sample URLs into the tool, the results seem to be sketchy. For some sites, the ads displayed appeared to be well targeted to the content. For other sites entered, the displayed ads didn’t seem to have any relevance at all. The tool appeared to work pretty well for sites that already have AdSense ads running on them, the display ads well related to the ads that actually appeared. For sites that didn’t have AdSense, the tool results were unhelpful with regards to targeted content. Generic ads were displayed that were entirely unrelated to the actual content on the pages, making the tool appear limited in its predictive capabilities.