SortSite Features Similar to Google Webmasters

SortSite is a search engine optimization tool from electrum that will analyze a website, checking it against over 450 standards based checkpoints. It examines:

Get very similar results to what Google Webmaster will show you by looking at the w3C errors, quality issues, browser specific issues, and more!

Accessibility: making sure your site is usable by those with disabilities to avoid adverse PR, legal action and regulatory fines.

Error Checking: quickly discover technical problems like broken links, configuration problems, and script errors.

Browser compatibility: find pages that won’t work with all browsers.

Legal compliance: discover violations of privacy and e-commerce laws in the US and EU. (Pro Edition)

Usability Guidelines: usability issues tell you that visitors exit your site before making a purchase or getting the information they need. (Pro Edition)

Search Engine Guidelines: Checks your site against Google, Yahoo, and MSN best practice search guidelines. This insures that your site is appearing in the search engine results.

The dashboard displays issues by category, compares to other sites, and tracks issues over a period of time. The site maps allow you to see where issues occur so you can identify problems. It provides an inventory of pages, scripts, images, and style sheets, by technology used. It applies search engine guidelines and best practice rules so you can insure that your pages are optimally performing.

SortSite is available in Standard Edition ($149), designed for web developers, and Pro Edition ($299), aimed at consultants. There is a free online trial available that allows you to check 10 pages.