Free Tool to Count Keywords in a Text

Live Keyword Analysis is a free tool that does keyword density analysis on selected text. It helps you refine your text content to optimize keyword density required for high search engine ranking. For example, if you are wanting a 3% keyword density, you type your desired keywords into the keyword text boxes and then paste in your content. The tool automatically tells you the density of each keyword in the text so you can quickly edit to optimize each one.

Screenshot of the Live Keyword Analysis tool that accounts the percent to the number of times a keyword has shown up in the text.

The tool is designed to mimic search engines in calculating keyword density. It is not case sensitive and does include keywords that are part of a plural. This is a very cool tool that is unlike others in that you can paste the text you want to check directly into it, rather than needing a website for the tool to work. It can be particularly useful for article marketers to check keyword density for optimization. It will also help to avoid keyword over-optimization that can result in an article being rejected, as Ezine is so famous for.