How Does the Keyword Scraper Tool Work?

Wordtracker offers a free Google Suggestion Keyword Scraper Tool that shows the top queries from Google Suggest  along with Google competing page counts. It offers some potentially valuable long-tail keywords and other terms and phrases that can lead you to even deeper results by refining the search.

A screenshot of a tool that scrapes Google keywords from Wordtracker.

Clicking on the search volume numbers for the keywords and phrases takes you to the Google search results pages. This tool can be very helpful in finding niche keywords and phrases and researching competition. You can click on the term to refine your search through Google Suggest that will generate further options. Clicking on the Wordtracker Suggestions takes you to their SEO Book Keyword Suggestion Tool that provides a tremendous amount of data.

This is a tool worth linking to and using often. It offers information few other tools do in one place where you can do in-depth keyword research quickly and easily.