Reward Inbound Links

The popularity or success of a website or blog is frequently judged based on the number of other sites that have linked to it along with the value of those links on high-traffic sites. Increasing the number and value of links is crucial to improving search engine ranking and search results.

With the almost incomprehensible number of new websites and blogs being created daily, it isn’t enough to email other website owners with a friendly request for a “you link my site and I’ll link yours back” request. In fact, those land in the recycle bin as fast as any other spam which they are now considered to be. There has to be more in it for them to offer you valuable space on their sites.

Make Linking Easy

Permalinks make it easy to link to your blog content. A permalink is a permanent link to a blog entry that allows linking directly to the content even after it has moved from the front page into the archives. This way your content is not time sensitive and continues to be useful for linking to from other sites indefinitely.


Creating a list on your site that includes those who have linked to your content or site rewards those who link to you. It gives them a backlink and increased visibility. It can be a general reciprocal link list and/or specific content link list. By noting the content those sites have linked to, it also enhances your credibility and interest in your content. For example, in your sidebar list those who linked to your most recent post or article to encourage them to do it again. It also extends the life of your content.

Those links and relationships are valuable. Making it easy and rewarding is a win-win for all.