What is a Keyword Density Tool?

Keyword density, or the number of times your primary keywords are used in your website, is important to your search engine ranking. When the spiders crawl your site, it reads those keywords and ranks for them as an indication of your site’s theme and relevance. Knowing your competitor’s keyword densities, especially when they are ranking higher than yours, can tell you quickly one factor in their ranking and how you can better compete.

Stargeek’s Keyword Density Tool Features

The free Keyword Density Analyzer from Stargeek is a tool for measuring the density of your keywords in the text of your website. It will tell you what percentage of the total text consists of the keyword so you can optimize for it. By opening two windows and running the tool for your website next to a competitor’s, you can compare the densities and see where you can possibly optimize for a higher ranking.

learn how close you are to stuffing keywords with stargeeks density tool

The results report is said to include one word, two word, and three word keywords and also calculates the ratio of nouns and verbs, which makes this keyword density analyzer different from others. It removes common stopwords and calculates the percentage of text that consists of stopwords. It allows you to include or exclude meta tags.

At the time of testing, the tool was non-respondent.