Aspects to the Marketleap’s Link Popularity Check Tool

Inbound links, or backlinks, are very important to your search engine rankings. Search engine algorithms consider the number and quality of links back to your site as a determining factor in how popular and relevant your website is. Each backlink is a “vote” on your site’s popularity and the more votes, the higher your ranking.

Marketleap offers a free Link Popularity Check tool that will show you who is linking to your site as well as how you compare to your competition and other major players. The results display the total number of backlinks, as well as the number of links on Google and Yahoo. It also links to additional data results from other search engines.

Generate a report by entering your domain for an analysis of backlinks.

By clicking on the search engine results links, it will bring up the results page of the sites where those links are found. Examining those will show you the quality of the links, which is important information. The more popular and relevant the linking site is, the more valuable the link in the eyes of the search engine algorithms. You can also view the anchor text of the backlink, also valuable information. Anchor text containing a targeted keyword is considered more valuable.

Compare backlink stats with that of the same industry and competitors.

An additional feature of this tool is that you can click on the link provided for a Trend/History report. This shows you how well your website has performed over time in link popularity and compares your site to the other URLs you provided. The results display the current number of links on Google, Yahoo, and total, along with the minimum, maximum, and average number of links over the life of the website. It also provides graphical views for a quick comparison to other websites.

 Look at the trends of popularity for your site from a month view.