SEO Book Keyword Tool Review and Features

The need for in-depth keyword research cannot be overstated. Whether optimizing a website for competitive ranking or pay-per-click advertising, keywords drive the processes. There are a lot of keyword suggestion tools that can be helpful, but you need more than just a list of keywords to do the job.

this keyword tool shows an abundance of metrics for a specific keyword including links to many google and yahoo seo links

The SEO Book Keyword Tool is a free tool from Wordtracker that offers an astounding amount of information. Included in the search results :

  • Estimated daily search volumes for Google, Yahoo, MSN and overall.
  • Links the search volumes to search results, i.e. click on the volume number and it takes you to that search engines results for that keyword.
  • Links the suggested keywords to their pricing estimate tools from Google Adwords. This tool suggests the needed bid to rank in the #1 position for 85% of search queries along with an estimate of the traffic you might expect to get from Adwords ads with that bid price and position.
  • Links to Google Trends that shows the trend of the search queries for the keywords over the past 5 years and includes subregion information showing the geographic locations with the highest number of queries. For example, when the keyword “organic farming” is entered, it shows that most queries came from the state of Vermont and the city of Madison, WI. This information could be very helpful in targeting regional advertising.
  • Links to Google’s search-based keyword tool that returns monthly search volume estimates, competition for keyword ranking and suggested bid pricing.
  • Links to Google Suggest, Google Synonyms, Yahoo Suggest and Keyword Discovery
  • Links to, Google Blogsearch, and Delicious so you can see what people are saying about your topic and the resources they’re referencing.

Being a free tool, there are some very annoying advertising pop-ups but well worth putting up with for the overall value of the tool. Wordtracker also offers a subscription based service that offers additional research features and tools for an annual cost of $329, or montly subscription of $59.