Every organization should aim for the top spot of their search listings. The first and second positions get the largest pieces of the click pie. On high-converting keywords the difference in being 1st, 2nd and 3rd is great. So, how do we help our pages get to the top of the search listings? We can help by giving search engines more information about our pages using Schema.org markup.

In our last Schema blog, we discussed the basics of what Schema markup is and how it helps search engines contextualize your page. Schema uses a shared vocabulary bank and three key attributes – itemscope, itemtype, and itemprop – to define what a page is about. These key attributes are all defined in a page’s HTML using a supported specification.

There are three specifications supported by most search engines that use the Schema.org vocabulary bank: Microdata, JSON-LD, or alternatively RDF syntax. Other specifications use different vocabulary banks but service the same goal of contextualizing pages for search engine crawls.

Which Specification Should I Be Using?

There are pros and cons to using all the specifications for Schema. Ultimately, the one you use will depend on your intent. For many years, Microdata had been the preferred specification because it was supported by all search engines. Currently, JSON-LD is the preferred specification for many digital marketers because it is simpler, supported by Google, and as of early 2018 is now supported by Bing.

What’s the Difference: JSON-LD vs Microdata

There are many technical differences to consider when deciding between the two specifications. Both work to contextualize search engines, but the way they interact with pages is different.

Inserting the Data

JSON-LD works by weaving code into the header section of the page. Microdata is added within the HTML code itself. This means webmasters will need to edit the HTML to work the Microdata effectively. This can make writing and troubleshooting Microdata difficult because the code is written into the HTML whereas other specifications can sit as a block separate from the rest of the HTML.

Types of Pages

As mentioned earlier, Microdata works through the HTML. This means Microdata can only be used on HTML documents. On the other hand, JSON-LD works with all types of media content. It can be used for APIs and web pages both.

Page Output

Most marketers take into consideration the contents of the page when they decide on which specification to use. For example, pages filled with a variety of content or a site with pages that use a similar template should be contextualized by their individual components.

A realtor showcasing a variety of buildings and houses on a single page will want to be specific with how search engines understand their page. In this case, Microdata should be used and weaved into the contents of the page. Smaller pages with a more focused topic like an “About Me” or other generalized topics will work well with JSON-LD, as the descriptors accurately contextualize the page in the header.

Despite their differences, JSON-LD and Microdata are both effective in contextualizing pages for search engines. Using a mix of both specifications can help optimize pages for a higher search engine ranking.

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