An effective strategy brings all the puzzle pieces together and helps the rest of the organization visualize the results you want to achieve. This is especially true in digital marketing where projects live and die on the flexibility of the team and the efficient use of channels. To help you achieve the digital marketing results you want to see, here are 3 must-have components in your digital marketing strategy:

  • Identify Your Goals

The most important (and most challenging) part of your digital marketing strategy is realizing your goal, as it will serve as your guide throughout the lifespan of your strategy. Your goal should clearly outline what the result of your strategy should be. Some criteria to consider when formulating your goal are:

  1. Does the goal have the six W’s – Who, What, When, Where, Which, and Why?
  2. Is the goal measurable?
  3. Is the goal feasible and within your limitations?
  4. Do you have enough time to achieve this goal?

One example of a clear digital marketing goal is, “To increase paid demos from Google Adwords by 10% this quarter.” This is specific, and measurable, and leads to discussion on a strategy for how to achieve this goal.

  • Understand Your Buyer

An essential tool in your digital marketing toolkit is your buyer persona. A buyer persona details your ideal customer(s) with information on who they are and why they’ll buy your product. Developing personas can be a highly demanding task that may require input from sales and development teams.

A buyer persona should answer at least detail the following:

  1. Demographic – Age, Sex, Education, and Income
  2. Location
  3. Hobbies and Interests
  4. Priorities and Challenges

The persona will guide your digital marketing strategy in developing the advertisement copy, targeting methods, channels, and campaign ideas for sales and bundles. When your organization practices productive habits like attributing successful goals and engaging with personas for feedback, you can further build out more personas to experiment with for future leads.

  • Know Your Channels

A major advantage of digital marketing is the variety of platforms and tools you can use to meet your goals. From Organic to Paid and YouTube to Bing Ads, each can help build up to the bigger picture of achieving your digital marketing goals. However, because there’s so much diversity, it’s essential to understand how each platform and tool works to efficiently reach the goal.

For example, PPC is only as effective as its landing page and a buyer’s knowledge of the service or product. A robust website with blogs, whitepapers, and videos detailing how your product or service will satisfy their pain points can help improve the effectiveness of your PPC as the buyer ventures down the sales funnel.

While these three components aren’t the end-all solutions to an effective digital marketing strategy, their significance is often understated, and many projects miss their mark. Working to maximize these three must-have components will give your organization the clarity it needs to optimize its digital marketing channels and stay on top of its progress.


Interested in starting a PPC strategy? Sharpen your digital marketing toolbox by speaking with an expert today by filling out our form! With 15 years of experience in developing successful digital strategies, Strongpages has generated significant results for clients in a variety of competitive industries.

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