online-marketing-1246457_1280When businesses discuss SEO and PPC strategies, they’re often times approached as independent processes. While they both have major differences, SEO focuses on organic traffic and PPC bids for advertisement position, their processes are actually opposite sides of the same coin.

There are plenty of opportunities for SEO and PPC to complement each other. Both deliver their best results when they’re working together to achieve the same goal – gain conversions. Here are a few reasons why SEO and PPC should work together:

  • Mining Keyword Data

Search engines like Google have become increasingly sophisticated with a deeper understanding of synonyms and semantic meaning. Organically, a site is indexed and ranked for keywords that extend beyond a keyword list. This makes SEO better at finding valuable long-tail keywords that would otherwise be difficult to find with PPC alone.

Using SEO data for keyword recommendations is a great way to mine for unexplored PPC opportunities. In PPC, long tail keywords can bring highly focused and qualified traffic at a much lower cost per-click.

  • Assisted Conversions Through Remarketing

It’s rare for site visitors to convert on the first visit. Unless they’re in the buying stages of the sales cycle, a visitor could make multiple visit to your site for information about a product or service and reach a decision much later. This is where remarketing is effective, because ads follow visitors as they move into the maturing stages of making a purchase. When you pair informative site content with remarketing, you’re creating opportunities for visitors to journey back to your site and convert there.

  • Ad Copy Experiments for Organic Search

There’s no doubt that SEO is one of the best investments for generating sustained value. However, a major frustration for SEO teams is the amount of time it takes to see concrete results. Depending on factors like the age of your site domain, authority and traffic, search engines like Google can take a while to index new content. It can also take days, weeks and even months to complete a SEO campaign.

When it comes to testing new content ideas, PPC can test keywords and Ad Copies for instant impressions. PPC data on keywords and search queries can be highly beneficial for SEO teams. In the long run, leveraging the speed of PPC for Ad Copies, primary keywords and topic data is relatively inexpensive in comparison to the many hours of work for initial testing in SEO.

  • Improve Quality Scores

PPC teams are always working to improve the quality scores of their keywords, and for good reason. Quality scores are used to determine the order of the ad listings. Search engines use many factors to calculate your quality score, such as the landing page quality, relevance of the ad text, and historical AdWords account performance. A PPC account that suffers from low quality scores can lead to higher than average cost per-click prices.

There is only so much that the PPC team can do to improve their quality score without the help of SEO. When both PPC and SEO work together, they can optimize landing and site pages to improve quality scores.

  • Boost Traffic On Difficult SEO Pages

Content like videos, podcasts, script displays and webinars can generate the highest rate of conversion due to their visual and audio richness. Depending on the layout of the page, this type of content is also some of the least indexed by search engines. This can make it challenging for SEO teams to bring traffic to these content rich pages, minimizing their opportunities for conversion. With PPC, bidding on relevant keywords can bring challenging pages in the top 4 search positions for more conversions.

Approaching SEO and PPC as complimentary processes that are after the same goal can improve the quality of traffic for your site and earn you more conversions. With both SEO and PPC work through the same medium – search engines – each can benefit when their strategies are intertwined for a complete view of your site’s performance.


With a long history of developing successful digital strategies, Strongpages has generated significant results for clients across all industries. Strongpages offers professional content development services that drive conversions and generates new business for clients across major industries.

For more information about our SEO and PPC services, fill out our form and a digital marketing expert will contact you soon! What did you think of our blog? Follow us on Twitter: @Strongpages & LinkedIn: Strongpages for SEO and PPC success!