About Marketleap’s Search Engine Saturation

Search Engine Saturation refers to the number of indexed pages your domain has in a search engine database. The more pages indexed from your website, the more opportunities your site has to appear on the result pages from organic queries.

The free Search Engine Saturation tool from Marketleap will show you the number of pages from your domain are indexed by Google, MSN, and Yahoo. Knowing how many pages your domain has, along with this information on the number of pages indexed, will allow you to calculate a percentage of your domains search engine availability. By clicking on the search engine total link, it will take you to a results page so you can see what pages are indexed. If there are pages that aren’t showing up, you can take steps to get them included.

The index checker part of Marketleap's online marketing software solution.


You can also look at your competitor’s domains simultaneously to see their saturation numbers. If their numbers are high, you can analyze their sites to see what they’re doing well so you can do it better.