How to Generate Variations of Keyword Phrases

Generating keyword and phrase lists for PPC campaigns can be tedious and time-consuming. You want to maximize your ad ranking by including every word combination you can and listing those combinations for exact match, broad match, and phrase match. It’s important to use every possible word combination since people enter queries in different ways. They may use the same words, but in different orders. Hitting on the exact phrase a searcher queries is more likely to return your ad on the results page.

The free Pay per Click Keyword Combination tool from Vizion Interactive is a real time-saver. By entering two lists of words, it will combine them in every possible way quickly. You can generate lists by broad match, exact match, and phrase match formats to save considerable time over doing it manually. There is also an option to generate a negative keywords list. Swap the lists in the boxes to generate more combinations by reversing the order. For example, someone could enter in “collar big dog”, rather than “big dog collar”.

Use a few words on each side that you want to make different variations of and use the combine function for the keyword tool.



The only drawback to this tool is that you have to run it three times in orger to generate all of the formats, i.e. broad, exact, and phrase matches.