Keyword Ranks and Research with One Tool

Rank Tracker from will quickly show you the position of your website on 501 supported search engines. It will display the exact URL and the number of times the keyword has been searched. With each ranking search, the tool will show you the ranking difference to instantly see if it has moved up or down.

Rank Tracker also includes keyword suggestion tools so you can grab profitable keywords using Google Suggest, Wordtracker, competing websites, and other methods. It will tell you how many times a keyword has been searched for and also provides the Keyword Efficiency Index, or KEI, which is the number of searches to competition ratio. The best keywords to optimize for are the terms with the largest number of searches and the fewest number of competitors.

Pick where you want to research your keywords from the multiple traffic sources.

Receive a Key Efficiency Index score on all the keywords suggested

With daily, weekly and monthly change record, you can see where your site ranks for any targeted keyword over a period of time. It is also provided in graph format for at a glance analysis. With customizable filters, you can pinpoint only the information you want, hiding what you aren’t interested in. To save time, you can choose the number of results pages to check, i.e. Top 10, Top 50, or however many you wish to see.

Customize your page rank views with the different search engines desired.

Rank Tracker is available for Windows, Mac Os X, or Linux. There is a free version that includes the ranking, keyword tools, customizable filters, quick search facility, data export, and automatic updates.

The Pro versions ($99.75), includes those features plus the ability to customize reports to mathc your brand, create custom report templates, view the ranking difference, access rankings history, and create visual progress graphs. The Enterprise version ($249.75) is designed for professional SEO and companies with addition client service features.