Get a Grade on Your Keyword Use

Keywords drive the search engines, therefore it is imperative that your keywords are highly targeted to your website content and optimized for the search engine spiders to rank the site. The number of times your primary keywords are used, or their density, as well as how and where they are placed all influence search engine ranking for the terms and how well your site will rank for them.

SEOmoz offers a free Term Target tool that analyzes the location and frequency of a keyword on your web page and assigns a letter-grade to the page to tell you how well that keyword is targeted. The accompanying report displays data from the test and includes a summary of how often the term is found in the title, URL, meta description, text, and inbound/outbound links. It is a very helpful look at specifically how and where your keyword targeting can be improved.

 Based on frequency of keyword use in the URL, meta, and content, SEOMoz assigns a grade to your keyword usage.



Major drawback: it allows only a single keyword to be analyzed in a 24 hour period and that requires registration to the site with a login. Subscriptions are available from $79 to $229 per month to access the full range of the SEOmoz tools.