How Does StatCounter Work?

StatCounter is an invisible real-time web tracker. By opening a free account, it will generate code you can insert into your website to analyze and monitor visitors to your site.  The free service is designed for websites with fewer than 250,000 pageloads per month. It offers lifetime summary stats and detailed analysis of the past 500 pageloads.  Paid upgrade accounts are available for sites of greater than 250,000 pageloads per month.


One advantage of StatCounter over some other free website analyzers is the ability to choose between visible and ad-free invisible counters. It also offers lifetime summary stats unlike some others that only offer up to 12 months without a paid subscription, and it will display the keywords visitors used to find your site.

StatCounter offers detailed information on page views, length of visit, entry and exit pages, referral sites and search engines, the links used to reach your site, your visitors locations and IP addresses, the visitor paths within your site, your most popular pages, keyword analysis, returning visits, and it allows you to manage multiple sites from one account. With graphical and numerical stats, it allows for quick viewing and analysis that you can configure.

From the features this web counter and analytic service offers, it is the best of the bunch if you’re looking for a free service.