Using the Keyword Cloud Tool

A keyword cloud is a visual representation of the density of keywords used in a website. The more frequently the keywords are used, the larger or darker they appear in the word cloud. It offers an at-a-glance snapshot of the most important, or most often used, keywords at any given time.

The Keyword Cloud Tool from Developer Shed Network is free and easily embedded within a website. Designed to be purely informational to determine keyword density, as opposed to visually arresting and intended for display, it can be very useful. It also diplays keyword density percentages to help optimize for primary keywords.

This is a screenshot for the seo tool that generates your keywords in a cloud and increases the size of the keyword based on the density.

For dynamic sites where primary keywords are highly changeable, for example, in blogs discussing current events, this could be a useful tool to refer to frequently. For SEO optimization, this tool could be valuable to quickly adapt content to reflect and target popular keyword searches of the day.
