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Your Most Qualified Traffic: Starting a Remarketing Audience List

One of the most powerful tools in your PPC arsenal is an audience list. Simply put, it’s a grouping of site visitors who’ve engaged with your pages for the purposes of ad targeting. It’s the first step to setting up a remarketing campaign and can be your most qualified traffic for conversion. Know Your Goal [...]

Google is Cracking Down on HTTP Pages

As of last year, the writing was on the wall in the debate between HTTP and HTTPS, since Google called HTTPS protocol the “future of the web” at the Chrome Dev Summit.[1] The summit offered a 28-minute presentation on the necessity of HTTPS and Google’s plans to encourage sites to adopt the protocol. Like the [...]

Debunking the Top 3 External Link Misconceptions

If you were to ask a group of marketers the value of links to your site, there’d be a roar of praise on how qualified visitors are more likely to convert. Yet, when you ask the same group about the value of external links, praise turns to debate and a laundry list of concerns starts [...]

3 Must-Haves in Your Digital Marketing Strategy

An effective strategy brings all the puzzle pieces together and helps the rest of the organization visualize the results you want to achieve. This is especially true in digital marketing where projects live and die on the flexibility of the team and the efficient use of channels. To help you achieve the digital marketing results [...]

Analysis on Keyword Density

Importance of a Keyword Density Analyzer The free Keyword Density Analyzer from SEObench is a handy tool. Keyword density is an important factor in search engine ranking since that is one of the things spiders look at to determine the theme and relevance of a website. Optimizing for targeted keywords will help improve organic ranking [...]

5 Reasons to Start Your PPC Strategy Today

The name of the game is visibility and, whether you’re a small business or a massive enterprise, everyone is competing for the same top spot on search networks. The higher the search results your web pages show, the more likely they are to receive clicks and traffic. There is a multitude of strategies in how [...]

Why User-Generated Content Campaigns Work

In the digital age, customers are more likely to travel through multiple sources of information before concluding their purchase. From a product demo video on YouTube to review forums to asking their friends, consumers are more informed than ever before. This phenomenon has also led to the rise of user-generated content or any form of [...]

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