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Intro to Schema for SEO, Part 3

In this third and last part of our “Intro to Schema” blog series, we’ll discuss the marketable features of using Schema – snippets. Schema is supported by most major search engines and rewards pages with the potential to rank higher in search rankings by giving webmasters more opportunities to contextualize their pages. More context on [...]

Intro to Schema for SEO, Part 2

Every organization should aim for the top spot of their search listings. The first and second positions get the largest pieces of the click pie. On high-converting keywords the difference in being 1st, 2nd and 3rd is great. So, how do we help our pages get to the top of the search listings? We can [...]

Intro to Schema for SEO

The endgame of all SEO strategies is to get more (quality) traffic to your site. Search engines like Google crawl the pages of your site and run them through a scoring system to help its algorithm understand a lot of things – page accessibility, user experience, and content. Search algorithms have come a long way [...]

The Case for Bing Ads In Your Marketing Mix

When it comes to PPC advertising, many marketers forget to include Bing Ads in the conversation. It may be because Google AdWords has a far greater audience size and that warrants more attention by advertisers. Instead, advertisers should take a closer look at what Bing Ads has to offer because there is a high potential [...]

Top 5 Must-Know International Search Engines

In the digital marketing sphere, winning a high search engine rank placement on major keywords is foundational to a site’s success. Effective digital marketing strategies revolve around this goal. This makes knowing the ins and outs of the most popular search engines essential to formulating effective strategies. When we think of search engines, chances are [...]

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