About the Advance Meta-Tag Generator

At one time, meta tags helped search engines categorize websites and helped make the website more visible. They are inserted into the HTML code of the page, invisible to the visitor. Though meta tags are much less valuable now than they were in the 1990s to influence search engine ranking, some search engines presumably still are influenced by meta tags as they reflect the actual content contained on the page.

The overuse of meta keywords can result in decreased ranking on a search engine trying to eliminate abuses. Most search engines simply ignore them completely. Google does use meta tag elements in site link displays. For example, title tags are used in the link search results along with the meta description.

Developer Shed Network’s Advanced Meta-Tags Generator  is a free tool that can be embedded within a website. It will generate meta tags based on information you submit to it. Considering that most search engines pay little attention to meta tags currently, the tool’s value is questionable, particularly considering the data it requires to be inputted.

The tool’s input fields include: complete page title, author, subject, description, classification, keywords, geography (full address), language, page expiration if applicable, cache control level or no cache, copyright, webmaster name, publisher, page update information, distribution, robots and MS tags. With all of that information required, it would seem the tool is a bit redundant to the work that has already been completed. It could, however, serve as a useful guide to generating complete meta data.